Sunday, September 22, 2013


They autonomous nature of the Self-Actualizer makes them independent and permits them not to rely on others for praise.  They are motivated by the desire to expand, grow, and flourish in the world, and in order to do so these individual develop the skill of being self-sufficient.  
They do not seek extrinsic factors to inspire them to move toward growth; rather they are induced to do what they have to do by an intrinsic knowing. - Maslow  
This quality really distinguishes the Self-Actualizer from most of society, which depends on one another for praise, approval, acceptance and love
"This independence of environment means a relative stability in the face of hard knocks, blows, deprivations, frustrations, and the like. These people can maintain a relative serenity in the midst of circumstances that would drive other people to suicide; they have also been described as self- contained."  -Maslow
Autonomy is Freedom Within
Self-actualizers gain this sense of autonomy which frees them from society, allowing them to experience inner satisfaction, which bestows them with remarkable internal control.  They do not need nor require the opinion of others.  They have no desire for the adulation of people, because the driving force that propels them is the need for the wisdom that comes from a deeper and more meaningful place inside them and this is what sustains them on the path of life. 

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