Creativity in this area is not a talent, like
being able to sing, dance, or paint. Creativity for the Self-Actualizer is
their unique way of problem-solving and looking at the world. Creativity is vital to the Self-Actualizer. Maslow saw creativity
as a process not a finished product.
Creativity allows the Self-Actualizer to forget their past or worry
about the future, and allows them to be fully immersed in the now and they know
that all their potential, all their power resides in the now.
Self-Actualizers have a tendency to approach everything in a creative manner. They thrive on creativity because for them it is rooted in real world of nature rather than the verbalized world of concepts and they are constantly looking at the bigger picture, while grounded in reality. - Maslow
This makes Self-Actualizers great at problem solving, because they think outside of the box. This way of looking at life also makes them appear courageous. They are willing to explore the unknown, which include the mysteries that reside within all of us. Most people, when presented with the unknown, retreat or move away. The Self-Actualizer will approaches the unfamiliar as part of the process of figuring out the problem and enter into it unafraid and joyously. Creativity is the way they appear to feed their soul because in this process they are inspired. Their attitude to problems is that of a visionary, able to solve things with imagination and an inventiveness that can mystify any person observing the process.