Sunday, August 25, 2013

MetaNeeds or B-Values

Metaneeds also known as “being values” (B-values) are unique to the realm of self-actualization. Without these values, the self-actualizer will become depressed.  B-values are the requirements which bring meaning to self-actualizers and are what give them the desire to strive for greatness. 
The area of self-actualization is a higher form of consciousness.   “All human’s posses all these needs, but for most people metaneeds are weak.  However, deprivation of a metaneed for a self-actualizer will cause their soul to become ill.  Maslow called this lack of fulfillment metapathologies”  ~ Hoffman 

Metaneeds are different than deficiency-needs in that they do not build upon one another like the pyramid of needs.  Metaneeds do not have a hierarchy.  “The self-actualizer chooses the precedence of the being values according to which values has greatest significance.  In the dominion of self-actualization metaneeds delineate the many desires people seek to realize on the path to self-actualization.  The fifteen metaneeds are: Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Unity (wholeness, and transcendence of opposites), Aliveness, Uniqueness, Perfection and Necessity, Completion, Justice, Order, Simplicity, Richness, Effortlessness, Playfulness and Meaningfulness.  Metaneeds can be seen as food for the soul. Metaneeds keep the self-actualizer inspired and motivated.

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